The successful implementation of the NCE is followed up by the application of the National Centre for Energy II within the second public tender announced by TA CR to support applied research, experimental development and innovation under National Centres of Competence, which aims to increase the efficiency and quality of the outputs of applied research and technology transfer in key fields with growth prospects, to strengthen the competitiveness of enterprises, and the excellence and application relevance of research organizations.
The aim of the National Centre for Energy II is to develop a comprehensive strategy for advanced, low-carbon and sustainable energy through R&D methods, materials, and technologies, including an analysis of the socio-economic impacts of the new scientific knowledge implementation with follow-up recommendations for legislative measures in line with strategic documents at national and international level (The European Green Deal, Fit for 55) to meet the Czech Republic's commitments to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, ensure carbon neutrality by 2050, and at the same time ensure energy and raw material independence of the Czech Republic. In order to fulfill the main objective of the NCE II project, a matrix structure of research focus has been created, where the horizontal topics carry the outputs of mainly applied research, whereas the vertical themes contain implementation impact analysis of R&D outputs on the social and economic sphere, respecting the rules of taxonomy and the DNSH (Do No Significant Harm) principle.